See This Image. One of the most famous astrologers in the world. Nostradamus is one of them. In 17 June, 1566 Nostradamus made his testament. In 1 July, 1566 Nostradamus called his pastor to do his funeral. He said to the pastor, " I will die before last night." As he said, the next day in 2 July he died. Nostradamus had 6338 prophecies among them 800 prophecies fulfilled. Today I will show you the top 10 fulfilled prophecies of Nostradamus: 1. The death of Henry 2. 2. The great fire of London. 3. The French Revolution. 4. Napoleon's Conquest. 5. Louis Pasteur's Discoveries. 6. Adlof Hitler's Terror In Europe. 7. Charles De Gulle's Leadership. 8. John F. Kennedy assassination. 9. 9/11 Attacks. 10. Nuclear attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
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